Thursday, 13 December 2012

what exactly is original thought??

I was recently thinking about my love for writing and languages and it dawned on me.. is there anything such as original thought? If certain words have specific meanings and connotations to them then who’s to say that our opinions are different from one another. For instance, the word “whore” has negative connotations to it. If I describe someone as a whore to a friend of mine then that immediately defines them, what if my friend sees that person and does not think that whore is the right word to describe the person? Words create our opinions and we cannot really have a thought without language. If we all associate a specific word with one specific thing, then one cannot really say that anyone’s opinions differ. Am I talking utter nonsense? Think about it.. all opinions and attitudes are based on language and experience. how we interpret those experiences determine our opinions towards certain situations. could it be that we believe that our perceptions are reality? how do we know whats real if we all share the same world, but live it differently?

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